
Key question of CS238: how do we automate the process of good decision making?

Based on this graph, what are the 4 sources of uncertainty in decision making? ? Our focus is on agents that interact intelligently to achieve their objectives over time. Given the past sequence of observations, o1, . . . , o_t and knowledge of the environment, the agent must choose an action at that best achieves its objectives in the presence of various sources of uncertainty, including the following:

  • outcome uncertainty, where the effects of our actions are uncertain,
  • model uncertainty, where our model of the problem is uncertain,
  • state uncertainty, where the true state of the environment is uncertain, and
  • interaction uncertainty, where the behavior of the other agents interacting in the environment is uncertain.

intention of reading this book: for anything that can be described as input -> output, how can I and others make informed decisions in uncertain (chaotic?) environments that maximize towards an intention?

methods for designing decision making agents (5)

Fields (8): economics, psychology, neuroscience, computer science, engineering, mathematics, operations research, societal impact Another one unlisted…self-fulfillment

q: how are linear programming, dynamic programming, and queuing theory related to operations research? (p12)

Each of the 5 methods has varying level of how much the designer and automata interact with each other:

  • ___. decision tree paths
  • supervised learning.
  • optimization.
  • planning.
  • _____. ? explicit programming, reinforcement learning

What are the downsides of automating away decisions?

  • it’s also automating away ____, and taste for ____.
  • it overweights to _____, rather than what might happen.
  • ____ are not accounted for ? nuance, what’s already happened, Black swans